Monday, August 27, 2007

back to Seattle

What a place.. what a place. So I am a transplant.. people here are such contradictions of each other. I have lived in a few big cities. I have never lived in a place like this, where people are so chill yet, they work so hard and are totally achievers.. what a cool vibe. I can't think of anywhere else that I would want to be.

However, customer service here SUX. must be because people can make $20 getting out of bed... so there is a reason they are making minimum wage.

The funny thing too.. is that the coffee is really shitty.. who likes Starbucks? BARF.. Tullys is pretty good. but that is really it. Microsoft.. what a great place.. but everyone that I know that works there, likes Apple better.. huh.. funny. I bought the stock anyway... I am going to look at other blogs and see what else is out there. Maybe catch some VH1 that show with Bret Michaels of Poison.. such good tv. I recommend it.

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